Friday, February 24, 2006

Tough to leave

A friend of mine, Brad, just came back from two weeks of R&R at home in the U.S. He told me a story about when he was driving to the airport with his family on his way back here to the middle east. His 4-year old son was digging through his wallet and took something out of it. Brad was driving, so he couldn't see out of the corner of his eye what his son had taken. He told his son "Buddy, I need you to put that back in my wallet. I need it to get on the plane." Something distracted Brad from following up on that until he was already at the airport. When he was at the airport, he noticed his son clutching something in his hand.
"What do you have there? Is that what you took out of my wallet? Can I have it back, please, so I can get on the plane?" Brad asked his son.
His son opened his little hand and there was a crumpled $1 bill in it. "If I don't give this back, will you have to stay here?" he asked.
That was it for Brad.
Hearing that would've broken my heart, too.
I'm really looking forward to seeing Sarema and Hunter during R&R in May, but I already know that it's going to be very hard to leave them again to come back here.


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