Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmastime Happenings

My parents and sister are in town for Christmas. All three of them are enjoying Hunter-time and hanging out at the beach (since they are from the frigid pacific northwest).
I'm sick, however, and have almost completely lost my voice. Others may view this as a timely Christmas present for them since I can barely manage a whisper.
On the work front, my boss, Greg, is quitting the USPFO for greener pastures as a Unix sysadmin at Cal Poly. His departure is a surprise to say the least and I'm going to miss working with him. I'll temporarily hold his job until they can find a permanent replacement for him sometime in February, I'd guess. Like any chance for promotion, this is both a scary and tempting thing.
Finally, on a tech note, I have been wondering what this Digg thing that I've been hearing about is. (from the wikipedia article:) Digg is a community-based popularity website with an emphasis on technology and science articles. It combines social bookmarking, blogging, and syndication with a form of non-hierarchical, democratic editorial control. News stories and websites are submitted by users, and then promoted to the front page through a user-based ranking system.
translation: lots of cool, timely links. I likey.
for example, here's a keyboard that you can program what the keys do and display on the keys themselves.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Old Home Week

Old Home Week
Originally uploaded by Rob Wooldridge.
We had an informal (and unplanned) Geek Squad reunion these past two days. Since most of the computer geeks from Kuwait either returned to their old geek jobs or got a new geek job on the full-time California Guard staff, we run into each other a fair amount.
This was taken after some mandatory training in Sacramento. (L to R) SSG Lenigar, SGT McCauley, SFC Scott, me, MSG Nash, SSG Law, and SFC McElroy).
not pictured: SGT Torres, who was at the meeting for a bit, but scurried off before we could take the picture.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Walking in Dad's Shoes

Dad's Shoes
Originally uploaded by Rob Wooldridge.
This title has so many meanings to it... Hunter literally walking in my shoes and me walking in my Dad's shoes as a new father. Hunter's a joy to have around and I miss him. Sarema and Hunter took off for my parents house about 10 days ago and they aren't due back for another 4. This is the longest I've gone without seeing him since I got back from the desert and I miss him a bunch.
I have to admit, though, the peace and quiet is nice for a change. I'd still rather have him here.

Judge Jim

Judge Jim
Originally uploaded by Rob Wooldridge.
Dave, Jim, me (the three swamp-mates) and LTC Tim Vienneau (my boss for most of my rotation in Kuwait) are pictured here at Jim's investiture ceremony last Friday night in Sacramento. Jim joined the 1% of lawyers in California that get to become judges. It was a moving ceremony, with many of Jim's family, friends, and co-workers saying all the great things I already knew about him. He'll make a fine judge. Congrats, Jim!

Friday, December 08, 2006

It seems funnier in retrospect

She made an honest mistake, it just wasn't very funny at the time.
Kim will make a fine mother someday. She was just experiencing something most people experience early on in taking care of a small child.