Saturday, August 09, 2008

Freedom Isn't Free

I know I've posted this before, but this Army commercial still gets me choked up. This new one isn't bad, either...
"Army Strong" is way better than that "Army of One" crap.
update: has a very cool t-shirt that echoes the sentiment.

Busy July

It was a busy July... After I picked up my iPhone, I headed to Washington D.C. for a week of meetings and then to lovely Fort Sill, Oklahoma for a two-week Army Course.
The good news is that the time at Sill was preparation for taking command of the 1-143d Field Artillery Battalion on October 4th. Also, my promotion to Lieutenant Colonel was just approved at state headquarters and is now headed for Washington to sit on someone's desk for a couple of months before being approved. I'm looking forward to the new challenge of battalion command, but not the extra workload it brings.