Sunday, January 08, 2006


Originally uploaded by Rob Wooldridge.
Rick and Cali gave me two Macanudo cigars to take along with me to Kuwait. The humidor package they came in has this written on it: "Easier to explain than ruby slippers." I had never smoked a cigar before this deployment and only had my first one on R&R with Ron in December.
I smoked the first Macanudo the other night with some friends to celebrate the year 2006: the year I get go home to my family. I want Rick and Cali to know that your gift had exactly the intended effect... it was an "escape" back to hanging out and drinking beer with friends almost like we do back home (the beer here is non-alcoholic). Thanks for giving those to me Rick and Cali.
...It was also a much better cigar than my first. It was smooth and lasted like 45 minutes.
I'm saving the next one for Hunter's first birthday that I'm going to miss.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm glad you enjoyed those! I know we all look forward to your return to the states and I'm sure In&Out's P&L will look better with your return as well! *grin*

We got to see Sarema & Hunter yesterday (we rode up to your house on our bikes) - they both look great!

As always - Cali

12:05 PM, January 09, 2006  

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