Monday, January 09, 2006

IEDs are no bueno

I work on the other side of a maintenance yard from the headquarters building here. On the way to/from staff meetings, I walk by mechanics, technicians, and welders doing their thing at all hours of the day and night. Sometimes, I get to see damaged vehicles brought down from Iraq. Today, I walked by an up-armored humvee that had obviously been through a roadside bomb or Improvised Explosive Device (IED). Without getting into the specifics, it was impressive what the thick armor could withstand. There was even a chunck of rock imbedded in the heavily armored door... like dropping a green bean into a tub of warm butter.
In case you haven't been reading the news, it's been a rough couple of days for our soldiers and marines over here. The mortuary affairs people are working overtime... they're the folks who make sure soldier's remains get home. I pray for those guys and girls up north that equipment like armored humvees will protect them from the people that mean them harm. In war, though, even prayer can't keep everyone safe.


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