Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Abu Sayyad

Abu Sayyad
Originally uploaded by Rob Wooldridge.
Here's a design that I was thinking of making into a tattoo. It says "Abu Sayyad" or "Hunter's Father" in Arabic. I'm taking advice (in the comments section) on whether you like it or not and where you think it should go. (seriously)
The winner gets a $5 gift certificate to In-N-Out. (Not seriously)
update (8/14) - I didn't get the tatoo. There were a lot of good reasons to get it, but there was some nagging doubt in the back of my mind. So I waved off.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've never really understood why people tatoo themselves using a language they don't speak, write or understand. But that said, It is a pretty design and I agree with most of what Kim wrote.

How many kids are you going to have? Based on that... will you write each of their names on your body as well? If so... might want to choose the location accordingly.

My natural sarcasm aside... Hunter is a lucky guy to have such a proud Pop.

- CCL (soon to be CCT)

12:29 PM, August 03, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back in the cpsu slo days I once heard a friend of mine tell me that only enlisted guys got tats and that was not something for officers. is there and army policy for this?

10:26 PM, August 29, 2005  

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