Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Combat Lifesaver

I just finished my third of four days in Combat Lifesaver class. This army class on advanced first aid includes treating head wounds, abdominal wounds, fractures, burns, hot/cold weather injuries. The combat lifesaver's job is to stabilize a casualty long enough for transport to a real medical facility. We also got training on how to administer intravenous (I.V.) fluids to soldiers who are suffering dehydration or loss of blood.
I resolved to go to this class during a training exercise a couple weeks ago where I had to stand over one of my soldiers and watch him (simulated) bleed to death because there weren't enough medical-trained personnel around to help. I resolved right then and there that I was going to get the Combat Lifesaver training because I wasn't going to stand idly by and watch one of my soldiers die.


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