Friday, April 13, 2007

Ready or not, here she comes

It's a little past 2am and Sarema thinks this is it. She's been having contractions and is pretty sure that the baby is on her way. She's called her best friend, Kym who lives in San Jose, and told her that it's time to come down for the birth. Kym was a real blessing to have around when Hunter was born, so I'm looking forward to having her here. The final member of the crew, our doula, Kathy Tuck, will hopefully be on scene here shortly, too. Kathy was a Godsend during Hunter's birth and I'm glad she'll be a part of our daughter's too.
And yes, we still haven't officially picked out a name for our daughter. We'll do that as we turn the corner on the way to the hospital (again; that's when we decided on Hunter's name, too). Nothing like waiting until the last minute.
I'll post to the blog from my blackberry if we end up going mobile and heading for the hospital. If this is just a false alarm, I'll post that, too.
Right now, we're both too excited to sleep, so we're going to catch up on some episodes of 24 on the ReplayTV.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the update, Rob?

7:26 AM, April 13, 2007  

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