Friday, May 05, 2006

From Zero to Hero

"Zero amount of walking on his own" that is. Hunter's definitely no zero.
Looks like he has started walking on his own yesterday, 4 May. I was hoping to see it first-hand on the cruise, but I'm happy that he's taken to it so quickly. Maybe I can teach him to cross country ski or do the macarena on the cruise instead.
Sarema writes:
This morning he took his first actual unassisted step, four actually, before falling down. I thought maybe I could pretend I didn't see it until we were with Rob if he didn't progress too much in the next week. Oh no! Some sort of crazy light bulb went off in his head. I stopped counting steps this afternoon when 35 was the record. Then he proceeded to walk from the hallway, through the living room to the front door. It only got worse (or better depending on who you ask) from there. He's now walking around unprompted. He stops, turns around continues on. He hasn't learned the hokey pokey yet, wait till tomorrow. I just can't believe how far he's come in only one day.
She also sends along the following two links for videos she shot that day (.mov files are best viewed with Quicktime)
Walking #1
Walking #2


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