It's been raining on and off for the past few days, but the clouds have stuck around the entire time. It's cool and cloudy, kinda reminding me of home or the bay area. The rain has been heavier here than home, though. In the mornings or evenings, it can downpour for 10-30 minutes at a time. During one such downpour on Sunday night, there was a ginormous tunderclap . . . the loudest I have ever heard - by far. It was so loud and given it's direction, I momentarily thought that some of the ammunition storage bunkers on post had exploded!
The sand here is not very pourous and seems to retain the water after it rains. So, we are dealing with small lakes and rivers where there were only ruts and gullies a week ago. At least I didn't drag my gortex jacket 10,000 miles for no reason.
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