Still Alive
Anyhow, I'm still alive and kicking. Met some great reservist soldiers here trying hard to do the right thing for soldiers and get them where they need to go quickly and efficiently. It's nice to run into people like that. One of them was SGT Roberts, a paramedic from Italy, Texas. He pronounced his hometown "It-ly," so I knew he was from Texas.
Here's one for Rick... I ran into a kid (a soldier, but still a kid) at this post who was talking major smack about his Halo2 prowess. I told him that I'd give him the first Halo lesson for free, but then i was going to have to start charging. Well, I met him after hours for a game and he schooled me. Over and over and over again. I didn't win one single match against him. It was almost humbling. :-)
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