Sunday, June 29, 2008

New Cut

crew cut
Originally uploaded by Rob Wooldridge.
Hunter got two haircuts yesterday... one from the stylist at Kid's Cut Hut and then one from his daddy. I don't think i did an adequate job of describing what I was looking for when I spoke to the lady who cut his hair first. His first haircut ended up looking like my hair does after 5 weeks of growing out. So, I took matters into my own hands and gave him the same haircut I got when i was deployed to Haiti and sitting on a crate of MREs in front of an amateur barber: #2 blade all over his head and then touch-up on sides with a #1 blade. For awhile I think I'm going to be his barber and put the $20 in haircut fees towards some $4.60 gas.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Relief from the Heat

pool shades
Originally uploaded by Rob Wooldridge.
It has been really hot here the last few days (over 100), which is very unusual. Sarema and the kids have been trying to beat the heat by filling up the pool in the backyard. He's a photo of Sarah looking cool in her shades... right before she took them off again.

Monday, June 09, 2008


We dropped of the midgets at Sarema's parents for the day and went to go celebrate our anniversary with some skydiving at Hollister. Their big plane was broken, so we took their little plane to altitude three times for some fun. I snapped this picture of Sarema sticking her tongue out at me on the second jump.
Btw, on the third jump, I wore my Birdman suit and carried a GPS to see how far I could glide from 12000 feet... 3.6 miles with a tailwind. Pretty cool!

Friday, June 06, 2008

Neon Deion

I just got on a flight from dallas to LA and guess who is sitting in First Class with a bunch of his family? "Neon" Deion Sanders, formerly of the superbowl champion 49ers and Dallas Cowboys.

(Blogged from the blackberry)

Sunday, June 01, 2008

More Teeth

two teeth
Originally uploaded by Rob Wooldridge.
Sarah only had her two bottom teeth for several months before her birthday. About a month after she turned one was the cue for the rest of her teeth to start coming in. She probably has eight now and they're coming in groups of two or three. Once she has most of her teeth, I hope it will help her to speak better... she still hasn't said anything other than monosyllabic "da" and "uh." She points a lot, though, so we generally get the picture.