Our daughter is getting pretty big inside Sarema's tummy; she's 31 weeks along with only nine weeks left to go. The doc says Niblet is over 3 pounds and Sarema can tell you that Niblet is large enough to make her uncomfortable almost all the time. The cool thing, though, is that Sarema can feel when Niblet is turned this way or that and can feel the difference between a foot and an elbow jamming in her side. Last night I even got to watch Sarema's tummy bounce and move a little bit when Niblet was practicing her kickboxing.
Then, after we went to bed, Sarema whispered "Niblet has the hiccups. Wanna feel?"
I leaned over and put my hand on Sarema's tummy and felt the occasional twitch. Hunter had the hiccups a bunch when he was in the womb, too. It's neat to feel Niblet and I can't wait to meet her in person.
And yes, we need to settle on a girl's name. Niblet won't do much longer. We've just been too preoccupied with buying & selling homes and moving to really hash out what we're going to name her.