Monday, November 27, 2006
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I vote for "Lammy" Wooldridge. Frodo
I vote for Kaylee.
I recently watched the movie Serenity on a lark, and really liked it, so now I'm watching the Firefly TV show it is based on. Perhaps you knew all about Firefly and Serenity, but I didn't. My favorite character is Kaylee (ref: (Close second is Jayne, who channels a bit of Wooldridge in a "kill them all let God sort them out" kind of way...)
Random Kaylee quote: "Shepherd Book said they was men who just reached the edge of space, saw a vasty nothingness, and went bibbledy over it."
Jayne replied: "Oh, hell. I've been to the edge. Just looked like more space."
So there's an obscure-reference-canceled-TV-show Kaylee thread for you.
Congratulations, Rob and Sarema!! Now you will have one of each-- Rob and Kim, Part Deux! Ha. I voted for Caitlin/Caitlyn and Hayley. Maybe it's a good thing you don't have a write-in vote because I'd probably add 20 more names to the list. ;) Lily is my all-time favorite girl’s name so I will leave it at that.
Kaylee is a good name as well, if only because of the connection with Firefly, one of my all-time favorite shows. She's my favorite on that show (along with Wash). Then there's Zoë, another great character from Firefly. Ooh, don’t get me started on great sci-fi/fantasy heroine names. I could come up with a doozy of a list but I will spare you my nerdiness. ;) Anyway, many congratulations, you two!!
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