Sunday, May 14, 2006

Holy Bandwidth, Batman

I'm camped out in the Starbucks here at Kuwait International, waiting for my 1 am flight to Frankfurt. I saw a couple locals with their laptops and figured that I might get to blog or check my mail, so I grabbed a seat. After connecting, and seeing how quickly pages popped up, I decided to see what the max bandwidth of this place was. A couple weeks ago, I bought some TV shows from iTunes (Battlestar Gallactica and Season 2 of Lost), but then the wi-fi in the barracks crapped out and I didn't feel like paying $5/hour at the internet cafe to finish the download.
If anything was going to max out these folks' bandwidth, it was going to be downloading video from iTunes.
So, back in the barracks, the best speed I ever saw was 22 kbps with average around 3 to 5. In the internet cafe, the best I've seen was 45 kbps with the average at about 15.
Right now, in the KCIA starbucks, I'm pulling 428 kbps. There's practically smoke coming out of my Apple laptop's wireless card. I've already downloaded more from iTunes in the last 10 minutes that I have been typing than I did in the last week that the barracks wi-fi was working. It's good to be back in civilization. Yes, i equate bandwidth with civilization; doesn't everyone?
Bandwidth and beer. Germany should have beer in the airport.
mmm, beer.
civilization, here I come!


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